How Photovoltaic Cells Produce Electricity

Photovoltaic cells convert sunlight into electricity. They are used in infrared detectors, light intensity calculators and solar panels. They are based on semiconductor materials that absorb photons and generate electric current.

Light enters the solar cell through an antireflection layer that promotes transmission to the energy-conversion layers beneath it. The layers are fabricated with p-type and n-type silicon that have been doped with boron or phosphorus.

Solar energy

Sunlight is the most abundant energy source and it can be used to power a photovoltaic cell. Its energy is converted to electricity through a semiconductor material like silicon. Silicon is the most common PV semiconductor and currently accounts for 95% of all commercial PV cells.

Solar energy is absorbed by the semiconductor material, which causes electrons to dislodge from their atomic bonds. These free electrons then move toward the front surface of the cell, which is manufactured to be more receptive to them. The imbalance of electrons between the front and back surfaces creates a voltage potential, or electric current.

Solar cells are framed in modules or panels, which are then connected by metal contacts to form a complete PV system. Efforts are ongoing to improve PV cell conversion efficiency and reduce capital costs.


The photovoltaic cell converts sunlight into electricity using a process known as the photoelectric effect. This effect occurs when photons of light strike a semiconductor material and create electron-hole pairs. The more photons that are absorbed, the greater the electric current generated.

Scientists can now manipulate photons with more finesse than ever before. For example, Polish physicists have created the first-ever hologram of a single photon. This technology could form the backbone of a future quantum internet, a network that would transmit data encoded in a photon’s quantum properties.

Photons are packets of energy that travel at the speed of light (2.997×108 m/s in empty space). Photons do not have mass and can thus travel without loss over vast distances. They also obey the laws of conservation of energy, which state that matter cannot be created or destroyed.

Semiconductor materials

Several types of semiconductor materials can be used to power a photovoltaic cell. Crystalline silicon is most common and offers the best performance but also the highest cost. Amorphous silicon is less expensive but performs worse. Other types include cadmium telluride (CdTe), copper indium gallium selenide (CIS/CIGS), and perovskite.

All of these semiconductors absorb sunlight, but only those that have a wavelength that matches the bandgap of a solar cell material can convert it to electricity. One strategy being explored to improve PV cell efficiency is layering multiple semiconductors to make multijunction solar cells.

This strategy allows the different semiconductors to each capture specific parts of the sun’s spectrum and makes better use of available energy than a single-junction solar cell. This will allow PV cells to reach even higher efficiency levels.

Electric current

When sunlight hits a photovoltaic cell (PV), it can be either reflected, transmitted or absorbed. The energy of the photons is then transferred to electrons in the semiconductor material. This creates electric current, which can then be used to power devices.

Depending on the size of the cell, it can produce a certain amount of electricity. A typical silicon PV cell produces about 0.5 – 0.6 volts of DC under open-circuit conditions.

The generated DC power is often converted to alternating current by an inverter to be used in homes or businesses. PV systems can also be used to supply power in remote areas, such as on boats or recreational vehicles. They are also used to power cathodic protection of pipelines and roadside emergency telephones.


Efficiency is an important metric that can be used to improve a photovoltaic cell. It measures how much energy a solar cell converts into electricity, and it can be affected by various factors. These include reflectance, conduction, and recombination losses. Solar cells with higher efficiencies produce more electricity than lower-quality cells. In addition, they have a slower drop in output as illumination decreases.

One of the biggest factors that affects efficiency is temperature. A solar cell’s semiconductor properties change as it heats up, and this can reduce the amount of current it produces. However, proper thermal management can help reduce these effects. It is also possible to increase a PV cell’s efficiency by using textured surfaces or anti-reflection coatings. In addition, reducing a cell’s temperature can increase its lifespan.

from Advance Solar Panels Canberra


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