Solar Panels – What You Need to Know Before Installing Solar Panels

solar panels canberra

Investing in solar panels can reduce energy bills, increase property value, and contribute to a cleaner planet. However, before you get your hands on a system, it’s important to research your options. You should also consider the rebates available in your area and choose a trusted installer.

The first step is to calculate your home’s hourly energy requirements. You can do this by looking at your electricity bill.


Purchasing and installing solar panels in Canberra can be pricey. However, a good Canberra solar company can help you save money by providing a flexible payment plan. They can also explain the various government incentives available.

Choosing the right size of solar system depends on your energy consumption habits and budget. A bigger system will generate more electricity during sunlight hours. But, you should remember that it may not produce as much excess energy that will get sent back to the grid. Moreover, the return on your investment will be better when your production and consumption match.

The cost of a solar power system is heavily subsidised by the Australian government. The subsidy is based on Small-scale Technology Certificates (STC) that electricity retailers are required to buy under the country’s Renewable Energy Target. A typical 6kW solar system costs about $6,120 after STC rebate and GST. This is significantly cheaper than paying for electricity from the grid.

Energy efficiency

Solar energy systems generate electricity during sunlight hours, reducing your dependency on the grid. This reduces your power bills and contributes to a greener environment. The best way to maximise your energy efficiency is by choosing a solar panel system that meets your energy needs and roof space. Getting 3 free quotes from trusted Canberra installers will help you find the perfect system for your home.

Solar panels convert the sun’s radiation into direct current (DC) electricity using semiconductor materials. This electricity is then converted into alternating current (AC) electricity with an inverter, which can be used to power household appliances and devices. It can also be exported to the grid, generating additional income.

Residents of the ACT enjoy some of the lowest grid electricity prices in Australia, which makes it a great place to invest in a solar energy system. The ACT is also home to several schemes to encourage homeowners to install solar, including the Next Generation Energy Storage program and the Sustainable Household Scheme. Moreover, the government offers a subsidy through Small-scale Technology Certificates to help lower up-front costs.

Environmental impact

Solar panels are an important part of the ACT’s energy future. They produce electricity without emitting harmful greenhouse gases, and help to reduce the reliance on traditional power sources. They also allow households to offset their own personal carbon emissions and contribute to Australia’s Renewable Energy Targets.

Solar systems use semiconducting materials to convert sunlight into direct current (DC) electricity. The DC energy can be converted into alternating current (AC) electricity with an inverter and used to power household appliances. Excess energy can be fed back into the grid, earning a feed-in tariff. Choosing an appropriately sized system for your consumption patterns is key to maximising benefits.

There are several schemes that can make it easier for Canberra residents to install solar energy systems and battery storage. These include point-of-sale discounts, rebates for hot water heat pumps, and Small-scale Technology Certificates (STC’s). These incentives can make it even more cost effective to invest in a green energy solution.


Solar panels convert sunlight into electricity through a process of absorption. They are then directed to a solar inverter, which changes the current from DC to AC and converts it into usable energy for your household or business. Solar systems require regular maintenance to ensure that they continue to generate electricity for as long as possible.

The best way to keep your solar panels clean is to regularly hose them down. Ideally, you should do this during the morning or on a cool day. This will prevent your solar panels from getting sunburned and causing cracks. You should also avoid using soap solutions that can leave mineral stains or soapy residues on your panels.

A reputable solar power company will provide regular inspections and maintenance to ensure that your system is working at optimal performance levels. This will help you to save on electricity bills and protect your investment for the future. They will also help you with the transition to solar energy and answer any questions that you may have.

from Advance Solar Panels Canberra


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