How Do Photovoltaic Cells Produce Electricity?

Photovoltaic cells convert sunlight into electrical energy. They do this by absorbing photons that have the right wavelength, which allows them to generate electric current.

Photons with the right wavelength energize electrons in the absorption layer of the semiconductor material, giving them enough energy to break free from their atomic bonds. The newly separated electrons and holes are then guided by an electric field to different layers, where they are collected by metal contacts.

What is a photovoltaic cell?

A photovoltaic cell is a semiconductor device that transforms sunlight into electrical energy. It consists of a layer of specially treated semiconductor material that creates electric current when exposed to light.

The basic structure of a PV cell is a P-N junction where the N side is doped with a material that introduces positive charge carriers (holes) and the P side is doped with a material that injects negative charge carriers (electrons). Incident photons that pass through this P-N junction are absorbed, causing electrons to be energized and separated from their atomic bonds. This causes a flow of electricity to occur in the PV cell, which generates a direct current and an associated voltage under forward bias conditions.

Various types of photovoltaic cells exist, including monocrystalline and polycrystalline silicon, thin-film and organic. Some of these technologies use multiple layers of semiconductor materials, increasing efficiency and reducing cost. In addition, a new generation of PV cells have been developed that utilizes solution-processed bulk heterojunction (BHJ) OPV materials for higher performance.

How do photovoltaic cells generate electricity?

When sunlight hits a PV cell, the energy from the photons is transferred to electrons in the semiconductor material. This causes them to jump into a higher energy state called the conduction band. The separated electrons then flow through the cell, producing an electric current that can be used to power devices or to charge batteries. This process is known as solar generation and is a renewable source of energy.

A solar cell is composed of two oppositely charged semiconductor layers separated by a neutral junction. The negative layer (N-semiconductor) contains a large number of electrons and the positive layer (P-semiconductor) is lacking in electrons.

When a photon with an energy greater than the band gap of the semiconductor material is incident on the cell, electron-hole pairs are generated at the depletion region of the semiconductor p-n junction. The pair of carriers are separated by an electric field and the electrons are pushed to the n-side of the junction while holes are pushed to the p-side, resulting in a forward-biased diode current.

What materials are used to make photovoltaic cells?

When sunlight shines on a solar cell, it can either be absorbed or pass through. Absorption relies on semiconductor materials that transfer the photon’s energy to negatively charged electrons. These electrons are gathered by metal plates at the edge of the solar cell and flow as electricity into wires that run to your home.

Silicon (Si) is the most common semiconductor material used in PV cells. Si is a naturally occurring element and is also found in computer chips. The atoms of Si can be manipulated by adding elements or chemicals to the material that give it a positive or negative charge, called “doping.”

The best performing PV cells are made with compound semiconductors like gallium arsenide (GaAs). These are often used in concentrated photovoltaic systems and hold the world record for efficiency. Other semiconductors are amorphous or polycrystalline Si, Cadmium Telluride (CdTe), and Copper Indium Gallium Selenide (CIGS). The front surface of the PV cell is coated with an anti-reflection coating to increase its ability to absorb light.

How do photovoltaic cells work?

Sunlight is made up of photons, which are packets of electromagnetic energy. When photons with the right wavelength hit a PV cell, some of them are absorbed by the semiconductor material. This absorbed energy gives the electrons a boost that allows them to break free from their atomic bonds and flow freely. The movement of the electrons creates electricity.

To maximize solar absorption, PV cells are typically coated with an antireflection coating. This minimizes the reflection of sunlight off the front surface of the cell, allowing more photons to pass through to the semiconductor material and generate electricity.

The semiconductor material in a PV cell is sandwiched between two layers of different types of silicon. The layer on the top is called the contact layer, and it is often made of a transparent conductive material like indium tin oxide. This layer provides a pathway for electrons generated by the PN junction diode to flow out of the cell and into an external circuit.

from Advance Solar Panels Canberra


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